Squeal- poetic expression

Squeal. A lovely word to play with this week. Oh the sound of a ‘squeal’. What does it conjure for you? Any memories come to mind?
We’d love you to join us or pass this on to someone else who may enjoy or gain from this unique way we ‘get out what’s inside’.

Next week’s word is ‘hiccup’.

Hope to see you there.


 The tickling began again
Ribs feeling the pain
The squeal of laughter
That could not be stopped
My childish delight
In being tickled non-stop
In my bliss a kiss atop
My head the place I remember
Never to be experienced
In this way again
An instance. A moment.
Down the hallway of memories
they hang on the walls
of past experiences I’ve recalled
My father remembered
My mother’s smiles remain
in the echo of love
that no longer prevails
PJR      23.09.2024

No Squeal, But Tell

It’s common to see a squealing
Makes it easier for us to know their feelings
Happy, frustrated or sad
When we grew up, we changed and don’t do that anymore
Some of you might even choose to hide your real emotions deep inside
But do you know you will feel much better to let it out?
Not necessarily to shout but to tell
Because many of us are happy to listen and willing to help
And after sharing, you will find
You are never in this

XQZ 23rd September 2024

I wonder

What a squeal that bird did make
Oh for goodness sake 
I can’t take it anymore 
If you’re not careful 
You will be found on the floor

What a noise from the child next door
Such a loud squeal 
I wonder what for
Oh… I see, they communicate
Must they, in my quiet space
Wonder what they are talking about 
I guess if I listen I will find out
Nature so wonderful 
Without a doubt

CCon 23/9/24

Circus in Town

Did I squeal with fright or delight? 
The night I attended the circus
Where the trapeze artists 
dared to defy 
And did fly so high
Above the ground 
With such ease 
Or so it seemed
Until the tension around the ‘tricks’ 
Had me feel the fear
As they seemed so near to losing their grip 
Yet somehow they managed to hold on 
And engage the next flip
Twist and turn 
I heard my self saying ‘never again’
As I sneakily peered through my jacket 
With squinting eyes to cover and disguise 
that I was in a sweat
Holding my breath
At the edge of my limit 
Of that invisible line between pleasure and pain 

TLaB 23/9/24

Growing Pains

upon seeing my son
at the corner shop
there he was lifting some smokes
i couldn’t believe my eyes
as we eyed each other
in some sort of shock
i grabbed him by the ear
as we both left the shop
my son, why would you do
such a shameful thing
this is not like you
i’m so sorry dad, I don’t know
wondered how it would feel
to be like the others
to fit in, be one of the group
please dad, don’t tell mum
if you squeal on me
i won’t get any tea
a promise to you
i will just be me
as best as I can possibly be
i didn’t mean to let you down
as he hangs his head
with a frown
it was never spoken of again

CCon 23/9/24

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