Solitude – poetic expression

Our word this week: solitude.
What does solitude bring up for you? What does it feel like and what does it bring you? How do you perceive it?
These sessions bring an opportunity to explore and practice your expression in formats that you feel to engage.
If this is something you’d like to engage, you are most welcome to join us. Or pass it on to someone who you feel may enjoy and gain from this approach.

Next week’s word is ‘sacred’.

Hope to see you there.

On My Own

I hold the book in my hands
I turn the pages and behold
The ripples of a different universe
Touch my level of experience
The characters and scenes are told
The power lies in the words that unfold
From the printed page
To the theatre of the mind
Imagination does fill my space
In here lies the mysteries
Of stories that hint of truths
As I might try to perceive
They swing from lies and truths
Some of which I might keep
Influence and manipulated
Some words can be so deep
And I revel in my solitude undisturbed
As I feel a deep peace seep into this place
PJR       19.08.2024

Paint a Picture When You are Alone

Do you ever feel
When you are alone
You can appreciate the beauty of nature more
Listen to the raindrops tapping
Snowflakes dropping
Wind whistling
And birds chirping
Enjoy them
All of them
Then paint a picture in your heart

XQZ    19.08.2024



April is a ginger cat
The family love her dearly
Been at the house all her life
Nineteen years of bliss
A new abode is to be had
To leave the house was very sad
As father makes April’s bed
And sits with her in the shed
A conversation was to be heard…
I know April,it’s all so new
If you help me, I’ll help you
Such a huge change for us
Without wanting to make a fuss
It will all work out without a doubt
So hard to close the door
On number two-o-four
Now it’s all so unfamiliar
So lets relish in some solitude
For tomorrow, Oliver the cat will be here
With of course our Harley dog
All so new, what an adventure
Along with all the family, how exciting
It’s all for the best, you wait and see
New smells, bushes to explore
As he strokes her fur so gently
She settles on her bed
In the shed, surrounded by the stillness of the night
They share some treasured solitude

CCon    19.08.2024



I’m at the centre
The world busy around me 
I see it 
I hear it 
But where am I truly? 
In my own shell 
With my own thoughts 

The solitude of this inner space 
Mine only to explore
Mine only to restore 

Today as the outside feels far too loud, toxic and consuming 
I choose to retreat within
And sit alone
As the eye of the storm 
Surrounded by the ferocity of life
There is something comforting in this

19th August 2024

Accept Trust Live

When I was a child
I worried
If I don’t have many friends
Does that mean there’s something wrong with me?
When I grew into an adult
Seeing others get married and have kids
I got worried again
I still haven’t found that person yet
Does that mean the same thing?
So I tried
Stayed with some friends
But I wasn’t happy
Dated some guys
I found I was sad too
In fact, a lot of times I felt even lonelier than being alone
I started to read, talk to others and slowly realise
If I haven’t had the people I want in my life
That’s ok
Everyone’s timing and story is different
And everything is temporary
Try to enjoy my own company as much as I can
To become the friends and partner I am looking for
The rest will come
At the right time
Accept, trust and live.

XQZ 19th August 2024

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