Share Care and Fare 2019

Share Care and Fare 2019

This is the first year of this community project and we’d like to say a big  thank you to this wonderful community.

This project was shaped from what we were beginning to notice-  so we decided to ‘join a few dots’.

dot 1: On our travels, (dropping off blankets for Knit a Care Square) we began to hear more about people in need in the community; that after paying their rent and bills, they often have little money left for food.

dot 2: We also listened to the feedback from our current volunteers have expressed, how they love the ‘smallest of ways’ to volunteer still knowing it makes a difference. They enjoyed the concept of ‘small things matter’.

dot 3: We realised that the organic can do approach, had a positive impact on wellbeing of volunteers through the minimising stress and expectation.

dot 4: We saw opportunities from our face to face gatherings, to do things differently and the concept of creating a  new currency of exchange for services, emerged.

So what is this project? 

So by joining the dots, we have kickstarted a way to once again, show how to get involved with small things that CAN make a difference.

We know at the heart of us all is a HEART. The human spirit in times of challenge shows that. Most people do come together and do what is good for others and it through such acts they discover the magic that brings.

So, in as many ways as possible we are opening the door to gather small care and fare items to pass on to those in need in the community.

Here how we have begun that movement…

Our first approaches to open up the Share Care and Fare concept 

Keep Moving Lifestyle: how often do people asked to be sponsored to complete a physical challenge? We used this inspiration, to create a Share Care and Fare sponsorship for Keep Moving Lifestyle challenges.

WE personally sought sponsorship for our August challenge – around bracing more for posture. After fully committing to the challenge (and benefiting!!), we gathered so many fare and personal items, we did our first drop off!

The Food Barn and Baptist Care Centre were the first!

We introduced the concept of bringing it to workplaces 

East Marden Primary school was introduced to the concept. A Share Care and Fare box was placed in the staff room, with an invite for small items (perhaps those not likely to be used and within date).

Before long the idea of extending it to the classroom as a way of connecting with the spirit of giving in preparation for Christmas.

What a wonderful way to share a great message and get families involved also.

Connecting with a local organisation who supports those people in need, showed that even in the communities they live in, there exists many people doing it tough…

Sadly, we hardly know this exists.

Share Care and Fare box at events

In November, Knit a Care Square held an event at Cafe Outside the Square, ‘Darn and Yarn’ and it was the first time we exchanged the $7 (entry for coffee and afternoon tea) with an equivalent amount in care or fare items to pass on.

People were so generous in their donations, and in fact we even received handbags which later held the items to pass on.

The abundance of items meant so much to those who received.

We left some at the Cafe Outside the Square (who prepare evening meals for homeless after closing hours in the cafe), and more to other donation locations.

Care and Fare items as gifts 

So many of us enjoy the gift of giving… And this could be a wonderful time and opportunity to give gifts of food and care items to others.

We know that many of us are in positions where this type of gift could feel very uplifting.

In fact a few of us decided to do that very thing this year, choosing Food and Care items as the KK gift.

Could that be you?

Entertaining at home?

WE have been on the lookout for creative ways to ‘open people’s hearts’ and we found another one!

When Desak from Bali in A Jar, was asked to bring her cooking demonstration and product to a home gathering, we thought what another great way of using the Care and Fare currency exchange!

Together as a host, we were covered the cost which meant the invitees exchanged the $ amount with items!

What a great feel good day – for so many reasons!

IN having conversations, businesses are becoming open to it

Flava Food and Coffee at Beach Road Christies Beach is already a drop off spot for our knitted squares (Knit a Care Square). During one of our regular wonderful conversations, Lyn generously welcomed the idea of having a Share box available at the cafe!

We have already collected items and passed them on!

So where are our donations (and your donations if you decide to join in!!) going?

At this stage, we have discovered a range of organisations who support the identified need group we are looking to support.

To date we have supplied to and support:

A Helpful Hand – who give direct to Baptist Care SA groups, Hutt Street Centre

Marion Life – direct to families

Clayton Wesley – direct to families

Unity Housing – direct to families

BlakeView Community – direct to families

Cafe Outside the Square – direct to meal preparation for individuals

Northern Adelaide Domestic Violence Service – direct to families

Food Barn – direct to families

And in the future…

Puddle Jumpers

What is in store for 2020…

To date, we have embraced the ideas and contributions of the community itself and we will continue to be guided by what unfolds.

 We are embarking on raising funds for bowel cancer next year (and funds raised for the Jodie Lee Foundation 80km Trek will be through 3 blankets, raffled throughout the year.

Who knows… we may hold some challenges to raise Care and Fare items along the way!

AS you know, our mission is to respond in real time… to what is happening in the world and around us.

For that reason, we know the path has not yet been truly revealed…

As we face the challenges of horrid fires in our state, with massive loss of homes and livelihood, we may well be directing the collections to other emerging causes.

So we await… and prepare to be our best for those in need in 2020.

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