It is wonderful to explore topics how our feelings and thoughts about certain topics.
This week’s topic on ‘secrets’ brought some interesting perspectives. There were many feelings about the nature of a secret, and its impact. Even the behaviours surrounding the thought of a secret… Often it seems to attract attention.
Once again, this topic had us delve into our selves, our lives, our past and address or have a conversation with it, which we have come to know how powerful that is.
How do you feel about secrets? What have you kept a secret and what is your reason?
Next week’s word is ‘sapphire’. II wonder where that will lead us?
Hope to see you there.

I make my way
to the kitchen door
fearing what I’ll say
will hurt him to his core
my son sits alone
my boy I so adore
I have a secret
one I have to share
weighing up my options
has helped me feel prepared
I admit to being scared
my admission could cause
loss of respect and crush
any future hope of trust
I’ve rehearsed this moment
I know it will be tough
it’s time for my admission
his reactions to my decision
have been played out long enough
silence is no longer
something I can defend
my moral obligation
has won out in the end
no matter what I’ve done
my feelings for my son
will help me overcome
the loss I’m about to bear
with this secret I’m about to share
PJR 9.05.2022
TLaB 9th May ’22

What is this poem about?
Well… I cannot tell you
Even if you scream or shout
I will not let out even a clue
Are you interested more or less
With this confidential approach?
Has your curiosity peaked at best
Or to find out, will you encroach?
‘You’ll never guess what happens next’
Is an often used trailer-phrase
For reality TV shows with ‘exciting’ quests
that get us into a sedentary malaise
Do our ears prick up
If someone quietens their voice
To make out the words uttered like syrup
and we can make a choice?
When files are marked confidential
Does the burning to find out begin?
What is the existential
Information contained within?
What is that ingredient
That the manufacturer or chef will not share?
Even on the label immediate
Is it hidden and not laid bare?
It seems that the whole ploy
Is to overcome our lethargy
And with our curiosity, to toy
so that we dig deeper with energy
The magician trick
of which we are in wonder
When we find out how
Are we any the wiser?
It can be the human trait
To really want to know
The answer to the riddle
How does happiness grow?
Will we uncover the mysteries of life
From genomes to atoms, life to death
Can we pursue the ones that really matter
Before we take our last breath?