Elite: a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.
At a time in Australia, when national government elections were taking place, it seemed an appropriate word to explore.
Elections are for all the community to have a voice, so is not just for the elite to direct the course.
So what were the feelings around the word ‘elite’? What does it bring up for you? What stories or situations have an influence in how you see things?
Next week’s word is ‘elite’. II wonder where that will lead us?
Hope to see you there.

Step one, select your sex
Step two, select your choice
Male, female, no in-between.
Hope I don’t meet my ex
Next on the mating site
I’m asked to state my case
Will my answers lay the bait,
to find my perfect mate?
This is my time to find
my future partner in crime.
I’m feeling good inside
I wonder who’ll reply.
Trying not to overthink
Should I share all my kinks?
Being honest? Might as well.
it’s all part of my on-line sell.
Many questions leave me blank
Good heavens can I be that frank
Should I keep a bit up my sleeve?
Who knows what they’ll believe.
Its time to hit submit
Reticence holds me back a bit
Here goes the deed is done
Not too sure of the outcome
Good gracious that was quick
Matches already to be picked
Fuzzy photos on which to click
Choices, choices, choices.
I start by reading what they say
So many thoughts come into play
I feel uncomfortable and detached
So many looking to be matched
I’m unable to continue in this quest
It’s causing me a deep unrest
To see their faces comes with a catch
I need to subscribe to view my match
Eyes, mouth, smiles are important to see
For which I’m not willing to pay a fee
This feels foreign and I’m unconnected
because this is not what I expected
I’ve unsubscribed to the Elite dating site
As going online doesn’t feel quite right.
PJR 23.05.2022

Her selection
A reflection
Of her heart
A wise start
It captured the interest of a kingdom
It shone and beamed with joy and wisdom
Whispering gently
a durable 9
Dense and intense
Without the diamond shine
Transparent mid range blue
It had a job to do
To protect and keep her safe
With what she was going through
Mystical and magical
To calm and guide
I wonder if she was wearing it
When she died
Now its legacy
It does appear
The simple design
A memory so dear
Of a person with a shy
Sideways glance
Who felt deeply, spiritual
And loved to dance…
TLaB 16th May 22

They did not know what they were
Shiny, yes
Song, yes
Beautiful colour, yes
But hardly a consciousness was to stir
At first they would share their talents
In the ‘local’
Watched and jeered by those
Who could not bring their hearts
And from their prejudice relent
Instead of seeing people
They only saw the colour
As though their own
Was preferable albeit duller
There were noticed
As they begin
By someone
who saw their talents within
He visited their family
For permission
To take them on a journey
And share what they have
They practiced something new
Less of the country
More of the soul
And their feelings grew
They travelled and performed
Often in great danger
To uplift morale
Even though all strangers
When it was all over
They returned to their homeland
Found love and all they needed
With their talents hand in hand.