Hiccup. Life is full of them. In all so many ways. What pops up for you today, when you hear this word. Depending on what is happening in your life, as to where words can take you.
Hope our poems, words, prose, resonate with you, and lead you somewhere that brings something helpful for you.
Next week’s word is ‘spare’.
Hope to see you there.
Hope our poems, words, prose, resonate with you, and lead you somewhere that brings something helpful for you.
Next week’s word is ‘spare’.
Hope to see you there.

might have
made a
Slip Up
Picked Up
might say
had a
PJRÂ Â Â Â Â 30.09.2024
might have
made a
Slip Up
Picked Up
might say
had a
PJRÂ Â Â Â Â 30.09.2024

Performer’s Hiccup
Whenever I perform
I pray
Please don’t forget about the lyrics
But every time
I forgot some
In the past
I blamed it on myself
However, these days
I tried to be more compassionate towards myself
To have my self-talk time
Having those hiccups is ok
That is you being human
Audiences are actually more forgiving than you think
Plus, most of the time they don’t even know the lyrics
Remember, allowing those hiccups to happen
Get lost in the beat, rhythm and now
Just enjoy and have fun
XQZ 30th September 2024

The reflex arc is a bodily function
Of which we have no control
What about the nervous system
There is so much to know
Our bodies tell us all sorts of things
Of which we like to learn
When conditions escape our control
It is of some concern
Like at the fancy restaurant
So enjoying, what a treat
Oh no, the reflex arc is up
Hic Cup, Hic Cup, Hic Cup
CCon 30/9/24
Of which we have no control
What about the nervous system
There is so much to know
Our bodies tell us all sorts of things
Of which we like to learn
When conditions escape our control
It is of some concern
Like at the fancy restaurant
So enjoying, what a treat
Oh no, the reflex arc is up
Hic Cup, Hic Cup, Hic Cup
CCon 30/9/24

A Tribute to Peggy and Molly
It was time to flyÂ
But the little MagpieÂ
Could not.Â
With its fate determinedÂ
Mother and familyÂ
Moved away.Â
With cries for help
He stumbles uponÂ
Another family.Â
With open arms
They take him in
To nurture.Â
Curiously the Magpie (they named Molly)
Discovers how toÂ
Be free.Â
He frolicsÂ
Around 2 dogs, chickensÂ
Two adults.Â
Before long MollyÂ
Learns new ways
To play.Â
Pecking at his new friendsÂ
Gently and timelyÂ
Kindly received.Â
Running down the corridorÂ
Of the home he now calls
His own.Â
And in time learningÂ
A low flyingÂ
Swooping action.Â
Molly is now thrivingÂ
Despite a hiccupÂ
At birth.Â
Sitting at the window
Watching the world
Go by.Â
Until the last traceÂ
Of sunlight fades out of
The sky.Â
Singing joyfullyÂ
Out loudÂ
So proud.Â
How can we ever knowÂ
What is in store for usÂ
Best day, worst dayÂ
Maybe yes, maybe no.
TLaB 30/9/24
But the little MagpieÂ
Could not.Â
With its fate determinedÂ
Mother and familyÂ
Moved away.Â
With cries for help
He stumbles uponÂ
Another family.Â
With open arms
They take him in
To nurture.Â
Curiously the Magpie (they named Molly)
Discovers how toÂ
Be free.Â
He frolicsÂ
Around 2 dogs, chickensÂ
Two adults.Â
Before long MollyÂ
Learns new ways
To play.Â
Pecking at his new friendsÂ
Gently and timelyÂ
Kindly received.Â
Running down the corridorÂ
Of the home he now calls
His own.Â
And in time learningÂ
A low flyingÂ
Swooping action.Â
Molly is now thrivingÂ
Despite a hiccupÂ
At birth.Â
Sitting at the window
Watching the world
Go by.Â
Until the last traceÂ
Of sunlight fades out of
The sky.Â
Singing joyfullyÂ
Out loudÂ
So proud.Â
How can we ever knowÂ
What is in store for usÂ
Best day, worst dayÂ
Maybe yes, maybe no.
TLaB 30/9/24