Draw – poetic expression

Draw. Once again a word that can be used in many different ways. And it was. From drawing pictures in our minds, lines between things, conclusions. For some it was the drawer where trinkets are kept.
Where does it take you? If you were to draw, what would it be?
Last night we chatted about our joy for playing with the words each week; where the word is let loose in us, and we feel compelled to give it its moment. Without judgement, the space and freedom for just letting the words happen, brings something very comforting.
These weekly sessions provide us all the chance to express through writing, poems, or conversation. The word usually conjures so many powerful themes that we discuss throughout.
The word next week is ‘above’.
A chance to use a preposition this week. Let’s see where this goes!
Hope to see you there.


(listen to Peter’s poem here)

I can’t bear this silence anymore,
Please I beg you: I feel so lost.
Draw for me once more,
the line I must not cross…
                 PJR    12.10.2023


Drawing From Where?

It was reported
 Australia is ‘terra nullius’
It was reported
 Only savages occupy the land
It was reported
 Colonists bring intelligence to the way of life
It was reported
 Viruses kill off half the indigenous population
It was reported
 Food and indigenous way of life is no longer sustainable
It was reported
 British use alcohol as a means of trade
It was reported
 Legislation authorises Aboriginal children to be taken from families
It was reported
 Legislation removes authority for Aboriginal children to be taken
It was reported
 Legislation agrees to include indigenous as citizens
It was reported
Significant gap in health and way of life for indigenous people
It’s easy to draw conclusions
TLaB 16th October 2023

Drawing Pictures

Did you know Chinese characters are used for reading and writing?
Did you know many characters were made from drawing pictures?
Did you know our ancestors used to draw plums when they felt thirsty
Since drawing is so magical, what am I going to draw? 
A young lady is smiling, under the sunshine, sitting on the grass.
She is singing her favourite songs.
Her partner is sitting next to her, singing the harmony with her. 
He is also having a big smile. 
Their child is almost falling asleep hearing their enchanting voice. 
That’s why their cute border collie puppy is so excited and patiently waiting. 
Because it will be his turn to play soon. 
Meanwhile, here comes a sea breeze, 
they smell something,
that’s a mixture of sweetness, 
osmanthus flowers are playing with freshly baked Portuguese tarts and croissants. 
That’s the happiness in my eyes.  

XZQ 18th September 23

Warmth and Pride

Sifting through photos, trinkets and cards
memories flood my mind
some so old but I feel like I’m there
on the very day when they were new
crafts hand made for me
some so unusual I fail to see
exactly what they could possibly be
but the memory makes me smile
as my eyes roll over verses in cards
on photos of loved ones
special times gone by
feelings of attachment
and deep connection
As I close my memory drawer
CCon 16/10/23

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