Caroline Rowe RTHB Community Facilitator


About Caroline Rowe

Caroline W Rowe is an educator, author and Thermomix fan, who is enhancing the lifestyles those who cook just for themselves because she strongly believes the “Me” is worth it.

As the manager of a household of one, (like nearly 25% of the households in Australia), Caroline is passionate about the importance of taking care of ‘just Me’ and has spent the last 6 years developing strategies, recipes and tips for managing a small household to prevent boredom, food waste, and overeating. She shares this information on her website

In 2014 she wrote the highly successful Cooking for You and Me cookbook for Thermomix. Then following her passion to find the perfect cake to go with a cuppa, she founded the just4Me Bake Club, an online cooking school with a collection of over 30 cake recipes supported by video tutorials. All the recipes are designed for small households. In The Power of Baking with Mindful Intent she shares some of her favourite Bake Cake recipes. She currently has a very popular baking series airing on Channel 44 Adelaide and C31 Melbourne.

Prior to following her passion for just4ME cooking, Caroline worked in both marketing management and academic roles at the University of South Australia for nearly 20 years. She co-authored the popular marketing textbook Marketing Making the Future Happen. Between her academic and marketing roles at the university, Caroline built a successful marketing consultancy business that she later sold to one of the major global advertising companies.




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