Reaching where it matters
For so many of us, we feel the pain for those struggling to buy food after their other expenses, and the discomfort of not knowing how to help.
When we spoke with Ramune from Unity Housing (SA), she reminded us that sometimes, being able to share a few items such as tea bags, long life milk, some pasta… can make the difference when money has run out for families, before next payments.
With this in mind, it’s been wonderful to see items gathered at various events at work, school, in families. In fact many more people are opting to redirect present purchases to a worthy cause…
The food items shown in the pictures here, were collected as part of a fortnightly ‘walk and talk’ group in Adelaide… where many community members, come along to enjoy the scenery, conversation and donate their items.
Over the weeks, the donations have lead to a substantial number of items for social workers at Unity Housing, to pass on to people, often ‘hidden’ in the community.
Finding the way to care and share, is often the challenge…
Click for more on ‘Walk and Talk’ and ‘Share Care and Fare’Â and ‘Hear to help’ projects