Rhythm- poetic expression

What does this word conjure up for you? So many rhythms to talk about. From those that within our bodies and nature, or those created by instruments.

Those that bring good feelings, and those that don’t, perhaps when things are out of balance.

We chatted about so many rhythms in life, and how these rhythms can indicate something important.

Hope you enjoy these expressions for this week.

Next week’s word is ‘mesmerise’. Feel free to drop in or if you’d like to write a poem, you can! Visit the events calendar on this site, for the zoom link to join us.

Hope to see you there

Poetry in Motion

They were mesmerizing…
Bodies entwined
Eyes connected
Swiveling and looping
Dramatic pauses
Sharp head turns
intricate foot work
Interspersed staccato
Brisk and rapid
Then legato
Slow and flowing
Moving rhythms
To the musical notes
Poetry in motion
The Viennese Tango

TLaB    3.03.25

Hip and Hop

The tapping of the toes
The motion of the feet
Feel the rhythm in the room
As you dig that beat
Engulfed in the music
That makes your heart sing
Twirling and gliding
As you do you own thing
No one trying to compete
So immersed
In the rhythm of that beat
CCon    3.03.25

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