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We have moved this page to under your My Account Page.

We have moved all of your resources/pages to one place, under your account. Click on MyAccount from the menu and login as shown below:

This will open your account page where you can now see the CoA Connections Program and the online resource (Find your Heart, Find your Way, Find your Self). Click the CoA Connections option and it will open the page that you are familiar with. Hopefully it will make navigation more straight forward


*Note: if you do not see CoA Connections Program as shown above, please shift refresh your page or if you cannot log in please contact us to help you.


7 thoughts on “Welcome to the COA Connections Program”

  1. Thanks so much for today’s discussion and sharing as always, so I thought I need to write something and share then. So here we go, my poem (if this counts):

    Express. Authentically

    I just want to write what my heart wants to express,
    I don’t care if this can get many likes or be shared,
    Therefore, I may never be able to work in the marketing or advertising area.
    So what?
    For me, to live happily and freely is more important,
    By being myself, I show a unique person in this world.

    I may never be better than someone else, but I can be better than my past self every single day.
    I am not a religious person, but I do want to believe that every one of us has something to offer to this world, so why not share our feelings to help us be more connected? Because I am sure we are not the first person to feel these.
    So, l want to have the courage to express my true feelings, no matter it’s positive or negative. Because being able to feel and share all the feelings is how we start to be more human and live more groundly.

    1. Tricia La Bella

      thank you for your expression of where you have arrived at today.
      Your poem is so powerful and as you said, it is likely many others have similar feelings and may genuinely relate to this and appreciate that you have had the courage to share it.

  2. Question for CoA:

    What groups, experiences or activities are available for younger people (20-30 ish), where they can meet, learn and form connections?

    1. Tricia La Bella

      I’ve also heard of the COA croquet group also. Thanks Steven for sharing this activity you enjoy being part of.

  3. Tricia La Bella

    While it’s been great visiting the Community Centres to meet you at our face to face sessions, it’s also been nice getting out to some of the great locations around Adelaide to meet some of you. Yesterday, I met a participant of the program at the Halifax Cafe. It had a great ‘feel’ and I discovered it offers live music on some Friday nights, if any of you are looking for that type of thing. Feel free to share any of your City of Adelaide ‘discoveries’ here. Connections is what this program is about and hopefully you may ‘find’ that something you are looking for.

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