Curse – poetic expression

Curse. What does this word conjure for you? It may hold clues to your own deep feelings about certain aspects of life, that may be helpful.
Once again, it was a word that lead us in different directions, all of which made way for another great night of conversation.
If you would like to explore where words and language takes you, we’d love you to join in with our discussions.

Next week’s word is ‘meander’.

Hope to see you there.

KC and Me

My jealousy became a curse
It overwhelmed my sense of self
It destroyed my decision making regimes
No longer able to see your needs
Logic fell off the cliff of reason
And sought out the murky depth
Of the raging river of my doubts
With the red hot headed demon
I was unable to see or hear
Through the blindness of jealousy
I abused your love
All that you shared with me
Where did I go?
When I accused you?
I was trying to find myself
In the my world of insecurity
My selfish controlling thoughts
Allowed no empathy
To understand you as being you
For this is why I hate my curse
of being caught up in jealousy
in that watery grave I lost myself
it coloured how much I could have been
so immersed in the love you gave
I didn’t trust my inner being
Emotions don’t lie to what I felt
The curse of jealousy did its worst
PJR       14.10.2024

So the Story Goes…

There is a toad lives by the creek
Such a nasty, would make you freak
No creature would go near
They cringe and shake with fear
Oh… a stunning butterfly
All her friends admire her so
She has such a radiance
They all feel her glow
One day the butterfly fell
For what reason no one could tell
All the creatures slumped into slumber
Except that rogue by the creek

A hundred years passed
Then a hero came at last
Was smitten at first sight
He could not resist
A butterfly kiss
Forever to be remembered
The awakening of slumber
From the creatures on the ground
True love the butterflies have found
Spreading warm affection all around
The curse of the toad has lifted

He is in a distant land
All alone
Rumour has it
He is set in stone

CCon 14/10/24

Curse or Blessing

sometimes my sensitivity 
feels like a curse
within my mind 
sounds tones expressions 
resonating deep
funneling their way 
through memories
and moments
like shards of glass 
piercing my  heart

only visible to my eye 
I want to cry 
but why
does it hurt in this way
I would say 

until the day 

I realised its blessing… 

for how would it be 
unable to feel 
as I kneel
between voices 
from souls 
of the past 
with wisdom so profound
to what is now around…

a deafening sound 
loud with distortions 
retorts of all sorts

how will I ever know 
if not for sensitivity 
what to let go
so I can flow 
in moments 
with my own inner glow
with what I deeply know

TLaB 14/10/24


I do complain
To release my emotions
But I don’t curse
People say God watching over what you are doing
So why use our energy?
Just take care of ourselves
Live and do things that make our heart feel peaceful
So we can have sweet dreams, always

XQZ 14/10/24

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