Singing for Fun

Singing for Fun 30 MayMay 2024 13:30 - 14:30
Community EventsOnline Events

Join Paul to sing some of your favourite songs at 1:30pm (ACST) every 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of the month. Just click this zoom Link to drop in. Paul puts the lyrics to each song up on the screen so that you can join in and sing your heart out! 

My name is Paul Oswald Campbell. I hope that you will join me for Singing for Fun. I'm always open to suggestions of new material, and we remember that not everybody has the same tastes in music. It will be a time to sing, laugh, chat and enjoy.

I am a widower in my 70's who used to be a boy soprano, singing in operettas, until my voice broke and I was embarrassed a few times when I didn't hit the high notes that I was used to. I gave up singing in public until about five years ago, it was decided to set up a singing group at the Aberfoyle Community Centre. There were no Kiri Ti Kanawa's or Luciano Pavarotti's amongst us so it was fairly basic singing along while CD's were playing.

It was an opportunity for people living in nearby retirement villages and the local areas etc. to get out and socialise with other members of the community. Because of the demographics of the group, we've had to select and present quite a wide range of songs for people to relate to. We ask people to suggest new material that would be appreciated by other members of the group.

This of course was going well until coronavirus struck and stopped people from gathering in groups. It was suggested to me that we could set up an online Singing for Fun group, so we hope that you and your friends click on and even though we are isolated, we are still able to sing along to a variety of songs selected by me and make ourselves feel good during these trying times.

*Note times are ACST and ACDT (Australian Central Daylight Time) runs from 1st Sunday in Oct until 1st Sunday in April)

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