Information and Questionnaire for Volunteering with RTHB

Thank you for your interest and welcome. We have provided a FAQ section in the hope that your questions are answered if not you can ask questions in the Questionnaire. Your questions and responses will remain confidential on our secure website.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The following FAQs are intended to clearly express what the role is, how it will work and what the essential requirements are that you would be reasonably expected to meet. When completing the questionnaire, you will have the opportunity also to ask and other questions and we will do our best to answer them.
Please complete questionnaire here:

Thank you for your interest in using your skills to enable us to help more people who feel unhappy or unfulfilled. We bring a researched, proven and unique approach to enable people to find their true selves and their way towards deeper happiness, improved wellness/wellbeing and contentment. Once you complete the form below, we will get back to you to confirm and answer any questions. Whilst you are on our secure site, please look around so you get to know us.

Please indicate your areas of interest

Please address the essentials in the FAQ including:
1. have the capacity and capability to apply for grants and tenders(if applicable), marketing to business (if applicable) or marketing to individuals (if applicable)
2. capability to understand the requirements and respond effectively to them
3. have access to a computer/tablet and internet and be reasonably computer literate in using Zoom and word-processing software/applications/programs
4. have the ability and wanting to work and share with others and create kind, honest, meaningful relationships
5. how you value yours and others integrity.

Please outline which tasks, activities and roles you particularly enjoy and why

We would like to get to know you to determine your fit to what we are looking for so please include information here

After reading our About RTHB page here, let us know of anything else that you need to know

Please let us know here of any other questions

This is part of our due diligence to ensure applicants are verified. The details provided will remain confidential and only be used by us to check out your application. Please get your referees' approval and then provide for each:
Email address
Mobile phone number

Thank you for completing the questionnaire. We will review and get back to you shortly. Please look around our website to get to know more about us and what we do as a social enterprise.


Our wam regards

Tricia and Nigel

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