Heart based approaches to COVID 19 and vaccinations

– COVID 19 and vaccinations –

With so much happening in the world, we are hearing so many varied opinions and expressions.
There is no doubt that our own unique lived experience leads to differences in the way we see the world, so can it be from what is common between us all, that better connections can be built?
So, what is common?
Firstly, we are all sharing the air we breathe on this planet and most significantly, we are sharing this time in history for our unique lived experience, feeling the array of our human heart emotions.
So, from the heart, can we break down the walls of what is dividing us? If so, what does a heart-based approach look like, sound like, feel like?

Let’s explore a heart based approach to a current world-wide concern:

Feel free to express your own views on a heart based approach to this topic.

Listen to the podcast here: 

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