Winter Solstice Sleepout 2021

Click here for the Winter Solstice flyer to share.

Winter Solstice Sleepout

BREATHE… in the night air

BREATHE in the night air,

is a sleep out event, you can be part of, from your own home, balcony, back yard or community setting.

It brings an opportunity for you to fully feel and experience the winter solstice; the earth below and the stars above.

To appreciate both the joy and pain that comes with that…

The cold and often wet, that makes it difficult to sleep, for so many who no longer have the warmth and safety of a home.

It’s a night, we can come together, (COVID safe and permitting) from different locations, (that each of us has chosen) to experience the night air on this significant evening.

You can invite others e.g. family and friends, to join in from their own location or join you.

Or ask them to contribute a small pantry or personal items (items rather than money) which we ask you to pass on to one of the many organisations, who connect with people who would greatly appreciate a little extra. We have ideas and suggestions of organisation possibilities.

Why this event?

Because it is through caring for ourselves, others and the environment, that together we can make a difference to our own lives and those around us.

BE heart…because we care

BE earth…because there are people in need

BE there…because we can

Around the hearth, heart to heart, we will come together (zoom) at around 9pm-10pm ACST (see more below)

A mat to sleep on…

We encourage you to stay safe and warm, and care for you… as you sleep out for the night.

We hope to sleep on a plarn mat… so let’s share a little about that.

You may want to become part of ‘making a plarn care mat’ for the night.

Making this mat, has many positives we’d like to share.

Firstly, it becomes a time where you can be involved in an environmental project;

collecting plastic bags from family and friends, bags that might otherwise end up in landfill, making plastic yarn (plarn) from them instead, where the plastic is repurposed.

Secondly, these care mats can be used (by you) and later donated to someone else who may actually find it helpful if sleeping out.

These mats, are durable, cleanable, resuseable and can make a difference to the quality of the sleep out.

Visit our plarn project page to learn how to either crotchet or knit the ‘plarn’ to make the mat. See more here. 

On the night… zoom in.

We hope to hear from you, and what the night brings.

We will learn more about the Winter Solstice from Dorothy Barr, Soul Astrologist… Here is little she has shared to get you started…

“A night that marks the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun.

That occurs at the time of the shortest day and longest night in our passage around the Sun.

Known as “Yule” in the Pagan understanding, this is a time to celebrate the natural world and pay attention to Mother Earth.”

We will also be connected to the stars above and the earth below,

by Mardiyah and Fang, sharing a tai chi experience to connect with the energy around us,

by Ann Rogers, sharing a mindful moment of connection with your environment.

by Tricia and Nigel capturing the essence of your expression throughout the night, in prose and music.

VISIT THE EVENTS PAGE here to RSVP and zoom in on the night.

Here is the zoom link for the session at 9pm-10pm ACST

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