Birth – poetic expression

This week’s word was ‘birth’. As it is the ‘birth’ of a new year, it seems quite apt.
So many beginnings that reflect the birth of something. Each week we give ‘birth’ to a new expression through our poems, and we feel the gain.
What does the word conjure up for you? Hope you enjoy our expressions this week,
See you next week with the word ‘infectious’.
Hope to see you there.


Thinking back on my unrealised life
I’ve never been present at a birth
I mean procreation in any form
Physical pain and bloody towels
Is missing from my curious mind
Nothing from my loins
Has produced progeny of any kind
Sure ideas creative thoughts have appeared
Though not a child of man animal or insect
Has been witnessed other than in documentary films
I have been privileged to hear parents
Recount the joys and tears of a child’s appearance
I have never felt less of myself
Because I never found an excuse
To believe I needed to express
My manliness in a clone of myself
Some may judge me as incomplete
I do at times reflect on this
Those feelings they have enjoyed
Deep down inside I may have missed
I’m at peace with all of this
As I have no reason to expect
Parts of my life are incomplete
Rather there are so many different ways
Where I’ve allowed myself to be a pawn of influence
In my daily life I’ve experienced the consequence
Those questions have challenged my characteristics
Though my deep entrenched traits have kept me at peace
I’m content that my actions were within my capacities
To live within that moment of my limited capabilities
It is only now as the observer of my past
I feel comfortable with my unfulfilled tasks
So adapting the narrative of my past exploits
I’m now content to let the fantasy of birth
To be something I no longer need to process
PJR 8.01.2024

I Come from Afar

La La La
C e g
Da da de da
I come from afar
The notes
The layers blend
The harmony begins
The birth of a new song
It arrives
It inspires
It has its moment
It marks its time
Its life
There is no rewind
La La La
It’s here to have its say
To find its way
To stay
For perhaps a day
A week a year or more
Its lifetime journey
TLaB 8th January 2024


A Ray of Sunshine

Anniversaries, weddings, graduations
The list goes on and on
So many times we celebrate
What about your birth date?
Can’t get more special than that
The only day of the year that’s yours
The joy of birth, the joy of being
The unfolding of you on earth
And so life begins….
CCon 8th January 2024

Hi 2024

The first ray of sunshine is falling on me
I hear the magical sound of a chime passing by to say
it’s all reset
you can start all over again
all the joy, anger, regrets and tears are all gone
instead, another brand new 366 chances to live
But how?
Be brave to try
be open to listen
be authentic to live
be humble to accept life’s flow
and be sensitive to follow your heart’s glow
The year is awaiting
I am becoming
being a better me
closer to who I am meant to be

XQZ 8th January 2024

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