What People are saying about…

Find your Heart, Find your Way, Find your Self Program

What you have discovered 

‘The biggest for me is realising the limitations I was setting on myself.’

‘I have discovered to listen to my heart and express my feelings. I am learning to do conscious choices in my life that benefit my health and mind.’

‘Noticing where some thoughts are coming from and why. More conscious of panic/racing thoughts’.

The gains you feel you have made

‘I’ve learned to open and listen to my heart and share my feelings.’

‘This course opened my heart and my mind and made me realise that if I’m not happy in a  workplace I can move.’

‘Believe in myself.’

‘Slowing down in my mind.’

‘I have had a wonderful moment of just being me with no one around, even though there were plenty of people about at the time.’

‘I believe I have become more confident and sure of myself in a variety of areas.’.

‘Not only has this program helped me to form my direction with career, family and friends, but has enormously helped me to really understand who I am and what I want.’.

‘I feel I have a truer understanding of who I am and the path that I need to follow not for others, but for myself.’

‘I have got better at slowing down (and smelling the roses as the saying goes) and not feeling guilty for it.’.

‘The program has highlighted to me how important it is to do this for the soul,’

‘How much you can gain from silence and the impact being in nature has on my wellbeing.’

What have you discovered about your passions, happiness and fulfilment

‘Focusing on more of the wants I have started to find pathways to these potential wants’.

‘I have discovered that I haven’t discovered anything worth being passionate about. I still struggle to find a purpose.’

‘More enthusiastic to pursue different activities.’

‘Self awareness. To be stronger to make my own decisions.’

‘When I practice these things I feel good that I have achieved something for myself and that I am aware of these things.’

Knit a Care Square

‘This is what community is all about’

‘I love that we can each choose how much we contribute, either a little or a lot depending on what else we have going on, but added together, each little bit of effort has contributed to that total of 542 blankets.

‘From little things, big things grow’

‘so good the blankets are getting to the people who need them’

Walk and Talk

‘Loved every moment of my walk, talk and coffee and more!’

‘For years I have feared group walking with self sabotaging thoughts overwhelming my mind. This encouraging walk, with talk around it is not a race, got me to participate, and I am so glad I did.’

‘We really do have the best talks!’

‘love that we bring pantry items that are passed on to those who need them more’

What people are saying… about online events

‘When Covid happened I needed to overcome some barriers with technology and learn a few things one of them being Zoom. After a couple of sessions I was able to navigate around the computer and even help other people which is something that pleases me.’

‘I have been enjoying the connection with the people and getting to know people and learning new things via conversation and experiencing new things.’

“I have enjoyed doing what I never would have done, from gardening to poetry, singing, and knitting. Realtime Community Projects has offered me so much, I have grown.’

What people are saying… about community events

Thank you both so much for being part of our Neighbour Day, it was a truly amazing day.

What an amazing poetic summary on your website- I am speechless!

We got many positive comments and observed great connections happening.

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