Flava Food & Coffee is ‘hear to help’

Flava Food & Coffee

Flava Food & Coffee has been a drop off spot for Knit a Care Square for several years. What this means is that they store squares that people in the community have knitted, and when they have collected a bundle, we collect from the cafe, and pass them on to others in the community, ready for the next stage of the blanket process.  They also help out by having wool and needles on deck for anyone attending the cafe, to knit a few rows. (many people really love that!)

When RTHB began looking for cafe owners in the community who would be willing to be part of the ‘Hear to Help’ for cafes, once again, Flava Food & Coffee (thank you Hitesh) opened its heart to be part of it.

So now, for any of you, who frequents the cafe or is in the area, you have a wonderful opportunity to do something small that brings something big to others in the community. You can purchase a voucher ($8) from the cafe (like a pay forward), that will be shared to social workers and community engagement people, to pass on to those experiencing homelessness or hardship, and they feel would really benefit and enjoy the offering. (or you could pass on to someone yourself)

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