Sponsor with a difference


As you know we love to bring a different focus each month to our Keep Moving Lifestyle page. 

The idea is that to along your usual activities you engage for physical activity or fitness, we like to ‘shine the light’ on a particular lifestyle focus to infuse in between.

This month August, is about posture.

We thought that a great way to inspire you even more with your moving lifestyle, is to become sponsored for your efforts.

The difference is, you choose what you intend to do for the month;

  • it could be an exercise based on the monthly focus
  • it could be an amount / approach that you would like to engage for the month e.g. doing ‘the plank’ 3 X per day, building in the time held for each engagement
  • it could be an exercise or activity of your choosing e.g. walking each day / push-ups

Now here’s where the real difference comes in…

The sponsorship payment is not in dollars!

It is in Care & Fare items, to be donated to those in need!!!

e.g. non perishable food items, personal care items

How great that you get fit, while helping people in the community with some of the basics they need to stay warm and cared for!

Who do you think will support you and the community on this one?

We’d love to hear what you intend for the month and who is supporting you!

And by the way, here is the page of donation locations to Share Care & Fare 

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